
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

sunset painting in Scottsdale Salon by BECKY JOY

"Sunset Reflection" 24x30 oil accepted to Scottsdale Salon at the Legacy Gallery

I feel really, really fortunate that I had another painting accepted into a major exhibition. It has been a great ride this last week. I was especially pleased with this painting and felt good about my chances of getting into the show, but you never know until you read your name on the list.

I've been going through my calendar tonight. Things are starting to heat up and get busy. I bought some extra bulletin boards last week to help me keep organized. Like most artists I need to have everything visually in front of me or I forget it. So all the notes and deadlines are pinned up and on dry eraser board.

I also have two new workshops planned right now. The first will be a one day plein air workshop at the Superstitions on Friday, April 15 from 10 to 4 pm for $70. If you are interested, email me at and I will email you the particulars.

The second workshop I am pleased to announce will be a three day plein air workshop in Pasadena, CA on June 16, 17 and 18 for $150. If you are interested in this workshop, email me at and I will send you information.

Talk to you all later.

Becky Joy


  1. This is a really beautiful painting! Happy for you and all your recent successes!


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