Friday, February 22, 2013

Farm Country Winter, Landscape Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

16" x 20" Oil, $500

Currently I'm enamored with the book
The Dirty Life:  On Farming, Food and Love
by Kristin Kimball, 
so this painting is loosely inspired by that.
I'm also still quite enamored with my R & F
oil pigment sticks
and could play with them for hours
(should the occasion arise in which I have hours to paint).
If interested in this painting for your home,
you'll have to wait a bit for it to dry,
but you CAN purchase it; just contact me:
To see more artwork by Amy please visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. Really enjoyed catching up with your blog. What a great painting. There

were so many amazing views - I could have painted many more too.
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