Monday, August 30, 2010

plein air rural scene by BECKY JOY

HAYFIELD 6x6 oil plein air on canvas panel. 

This is from last week's plein air paintings on my Oregon trip. I went out every morning to paint. 

Sat, Sun and Mon I taught a workshop in Portland. It really went well. I haven't got the photos ready, so I'll have to post them later. I also was taking a video of one of the demo pieces, but forgot to set the camcorder in movie mode. I found that out after I finished painting. Anyway trust me, it went well. I sold the demo, a moonlight painting, to one of the students. They asked me to return for next year, so all in all, it was a success.

I have a couple of workshops I need to see if we can sew them up when I get home.

I'm hoping it isn't raining in the morning, so I can get out one last time. Time to pack up the paints soon and send them home.

Talk to you all later.

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