Monday, February 7, 2011

Painting Challenge and exhibits by BECKY JOY

6x6 oil on canvas panel, "Classic"

Last night during the superbowl when I was cruising the internet I found this challenge on the Daily Paintworks. Carol Marine posted this photo of a classic Imperial auto. I'm always a sucker for old vehicles, so I had to paint it last night. I couldn't see the colors in the photo real well which was probably the glare on the computer screen with all the lights on in the studio last night, but paint it I did. I'm not sure if the challenge was over or not, but I'm sure I was the last to post. Anyway, I'll have to try it again.
Well, back to painting some more skies. I'm hoping to get some small ones done this week. It was a hectic week for me last week. I did get some painting done, but it wasn't little ones. So, off to the treadmill then painting. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Becky Joy

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