Monday, August 15, 2011

sunset clouds oil painting demo by Becky Joy

Late Day Sun 6x6.
Hi all,
It's been a full day for me. I started my day with working at the repo house that we have. Last week we (or Mike) tore off three room that had been added onto the house. We are trying to get it back to the original block house. So, this morning Iwas the picker-upper. We have lots of bulk trash. In Phoenix the city picks up the bulk trash every three months. It's time in the neighborhood. So, I've been picking up and piling garbage. I figure its something constructive and better exercise than the treadmill. It certainly feels like it.
I came home at about 10 am and started my office work day. I had plenty of emails, computer and phone calls to make. After lunch I was finally ready to paint. I painted this little 6x6 sunset. My inspiration for the painting was a sunset that we had about two nights ago with that beautiful orange color in the sky with the variety of violets. I used a photo of a road that I had for the composition of the painting combining with the colors of the sunset.
 I will be having some guest posts from other artists and tutorials with eventually workshops. For this painting, I have posted step by step photos with explanation. Check it out, but remember, the website will have a new, professional look in a couple of weeks. Click here to see the painting progression.
Oh, and then this afternoon I went over to the house to work a couple of more hours into the evening. This time of year we work mostly in the morning and then evening avoiding the midday sun.
Talk to you all later.

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