Monday, February 27, 2012

Arizona artist Becky Joy CA plein air landscape painting

Mailboxes 9X12" oil

This plein air painting from California, I was attracted to the bright yellow oranges against the violets of the fence. It was just wonderful colors in the homes to play with.  As I was painting the scene the mailman came and filled some of those boxes. I had some final touches to do to the painting afterward. I wanted a little more light coming through the fence. I had it too solid and I brightened the blue on the last house. It was mostly in shadow. I thought a touch more blue would complement the warm colors of the painting.

 I've been pretty busy lately with helping Mike on a house that he has been remodeling. I've been the occassional helper, but with putting on the roof, he has needed my help more. So, a little less painting, facebook and twitter. Back in the studio tomorrow.

Becky Joy

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