Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Perfect Day At The Beach, Seascape Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

3" x 5" Acrylic, $75

Currently reading three books:
Van Gogh: The Life
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
The Happiness Project

I've already mentioned the first two, and today I wanted to tell you about
The Happiness Project

As you may have surmised from my many paintings of the sea,
I am happy at the beach.
That's a little tough sometimes since I live in the desert.
But painting the ocean
makes me happy.
So I am fortunate in that respect,
and continue to paint the waves, the coastline, the clouds over the sea, etc.

What makes you happy?
That's the first step in developing your own "Happiness Project."
Write it down and share it with someone.
Then do something about it.

Oh yes, to purchase any of my paintings, please contact me at:

And please visit my site where new things are happening
and great artists are featured on my blog roll:

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