Monday, June 17, 2013

Project 125, Day #5 Yosemite Becky Joy

© 2013 Becky Joy   Among the Trees   oil 6 inches x 6 inches    

The RSS Feed has been fixed. Now, the blog! The read more links don't work. I have gone through trying to figure out what is wrong to no avail. I have a message into my computer guy to look into it. So sorry about this mishap. Today I drove into town and am working on the internet. Too many things piling up that need to be addressed. Also, a lack of electric when camping is difficult when working on the computer. Hmmm.... imagine that, you need electric. I think I will be buying a battery charger to take with me. That could make life easier. I will be staying her in Yosemite for a bit more painting. There are way too many things to paint and I may not make it to Oregon if I don't give it up and move on. Computer issues have been my greatest frustration, camping is the easy part! Talk to you all tomorrow. Oh, and the batteries on my camera are out. Now to recharge them on the drive back to the park.
 Becky Joy
Check out my workshops at

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