Monday, September 12, 2011

landscape sunlight oil painting by BECKY JOY

"Morning Reflection" oil 18x24
Hi everyone!
I received an honorable mention with Morning Reflection at the Arizona Plein Air Artists Annual Show in Sedona, AZ. The second painting that I entered received the Artists' Choice Award.
This was a painting from my imagination. I wanted to use a lot of cool grays in the painting to play off of the bright sunlit colors. I felt like it was a contest within myself to see how many colors I could get in the painting in the grays. It was an exercise in color. The colors become cooler and less saturated as I moved away from the light.
This weekend I have mostly been working on my website trying to organize, simplify and get a new look. It is really a job to get all the information that you want on a website, but keep it simple and navagable. How do you like the new look?
Talk to you all tomorrow!

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