Friday, June 21, 2013

Day #9, Project 125, Twin Lakes, CA Cabin, plein air oil by BECKY JOY

Twin Lakes Cabin Day 9© 2013 Becky Joy    Twin Lakes Cabin   oil  6 inches x 6 inches   $125.

Day #9, a long time camping and up at dawn, not the norm for me, but I do get up at dawn for painting. This was painted at about 8 am after starting another at dawn that I wasn't able to finish. I liked the shadow shapes, but also the contrast of the red-orange of the cabin with the greens in the scene. The topography was also interesting to paint the flat field and the hillside with the cabin. It was a nice calm morning with the wind picking up in the afternoon.
© 2013 Becky Joy     Bridgeport, CA, Green and White    oil  9 inches x 9 inches   $900.

By the time I painted this painting, it was windy, which is probably the norm in this region. I saw this scene the first day I arrived in Bridgeport, CA. Today I stopped across the street to see if I could park in a motel parking lot to paint. I was told "NO". So I went across the street and found a better view anyway. It was fun painting all the shades of green and white. I had to play down some of the whites to get a brighter white up on the peak of the background house. I also used a thicker brushstroke there and brightened the red roof next to the white bringing the viewer to that area. Below are photos of the above scenes.
  twin-lakes-cabin        bridgeport, ca house
Now, it's on the road to my next destination, Lake Tahoe, to my friends house. Nothing like stopping at a friends for a hot shower. Nice!
 Talk to you all tomorrow.
 Becky   Joy

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